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City, Village, And Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS)

For fiscal year (FY) 2015, the legislature established the City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) program (a simplified version of the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP)). Each eligible local unit must meet all of the requirements of Accountability and Transparency in order to receive the full CVTRS payments. A Consolidation of Services Plan and an Unfunded Accrued Liability Plan are not required under the CVTRS program.

Category 1: Accountability and Transparency

Public Act 252 of 2014 eliminated the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) and established new requirements of reporting for a municipality to receive revenue sharing from the State of Michigan. The requirements under CVTRS for Accountability and Transparency are the same as the previous EVIP requirements. For more information on these requirements, please see here.

The following documents fulfill the City of Riverview's Accountability and Transparency requirements for the 2023 EVIP.

Certification of Accountability & Transparency

Citizen's Guide to City Finances

Projected Budget Report

Debt Service Report

2021/22 Financial Audit

2023/24 Adopted Budget

Link to MI Communities Dashboard

Questions on any of these reports can be directed to Ann Darzniek, Finance Director ( or by calling (734) 785-7348.

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